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ISBN 9786280129136

Countries like Colombia have the virtue or misfortune of standing in the face of the fierce and systematic attack carried out by violence, a scourge that has been embedded in the history of these States from their very origins. Despite being aware of its existence, since we are victims of it day after day, we Colombians have not been able to know exactly what its triggers are and, even less, find a solution that allows us to break the barriers once and for all. chains that bind us to this endless cycle of death, poverty, injustice and inequality. Building the nation without looking back, silence and oblivion as political strategies in Colombia is a work that presents the way in which the phenomenon of violence has been interpreted by the entire Colombian society, taking as a point of reference one of the darkest chapters in the history of this country: the period of La Violencia. Through a thorough documentary review exercise, the author will seek to reveal how the story of violence in Colombia in the first half of the 20th century was constructed, the memory that was formed from this story, as well as the actors and interests that were at stake, using the category of memory as discursive action. This type of work is relevant to the extent that it helps us observe the current problems that afflict us as a society with a more reflective, deeper perspective, which is acquired by exposing our eyes to the light of the past.

Jorge L. Rojas Corridor

Master in Geography

E-Book: Building the Nation without Looking Back




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    Label No.: 03816945

    Colombian Book Chamber No. 521938

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