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Healthy Mind: Cultivating Emotional Well-being in Boys, Girls and Adolescents

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In an increasingly complex and demanding world, the mental health of new generations has become a fundamental priority. The Mente Sana project was born with the firm commitment to addressing mental health problems that affect children and adolescents, providing them with the tools and support necessary to cultivate their emotional well-being and face life's challenges with resilience.

Coping with Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health problems among young people. Mente Sana focuses on these problems through:

  • Psychoeducational conferences and workshops: We provide clear and accessible information about anxiety and depression, their symptoms, causes and coping strategies.

  • Individual and group psychological consultations: We offer a safe and confidential space where children and adolescents can explore their emotions, thoughts and behaviors, receiving personalized professional guidance and support.

  • Psychological therapies: We implement different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to help young people develop skills to manage their emotions, thoughts and behaviors in a healthy way.

  • Prevention and promotion actions: We develop programs and activities in schools, communities and health centers, with the aim of preventing the appearance of mental health problems and promoting emotional well-being in young people.

Strengthening Resilience

Mente Sana not only seeks to address existing mental health problems, but also strengthen the resilience of young people, providing them with the necessary tools to:

  • Develop positive self-esteem: We help young people build a positive image of themselves, based on their strengths and values.

  • Foster emotional skills: We teach young people to identify, understand and express their emotions in a healthy way.

  • Develop coping strategies: We provide young people with tools to face difficult situations and overcome life's challenges.

  • Promote healthy relationships: We encourage the building of positive and meaningful relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

A Commitment to Comprehensive Well-being

The Mente Sana project is committed to the comprehensive well-being of children and adolescents. We believe that mental health is essential for your personal, academic and social development.

We work together with families, schools, communities and mental health professionals to create a strong support network that allows young people to reach their full potential and live full and meaningful lives.

We invite the entire community to join this effort to cultivate the emotional well-being of new generations.



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